Newsletter: September 2017

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Village of Hope

by David Escobar

Dear Brothers,

I hope you are very well with health and with the desire to serve the Lord Jesus as He has asked and placed us in our Heart. In this month of September, we are very happy and blessed of what God is doing in Campo de Esperanza and La Hermosa, has been a month with much activity for the Youth, for the Children of the Mixteca community, and also with visits of some dearly beloved brothers. This month we continue working with the different ministries that God has put in Village of Hope and La Hermosa. In the second week of September we visited our brother Juan Bonilla of the Church of San Clemente. Our Brother came to visit the Youth 24/7 and shared on the word of Unity that in Christ we are one, also shared in Campo de Esperanza and His word was Blessing and hope for the congregation. We rejoice greatly because our brother Ezequiel Guzman, who had previously been serving as pastor of Campo after being 2 years away, and being in his homeland more than 1000 miles from here, God worked in the hearts of the Pastor Mayarino and Br. Exequiel so that there would be a communication again and he could be with us once again, this time with a greater desire to work in Campo de Esperanza, and to give a word of love and hope for the Mixtec community.

The community Feeding program is working in an extraordinary way by feeding more than 100 people daily! We really believe in the promises of the Lord knowing that it is our duty to begin in Faith knowing that He would answer the requests of our Heart.

The Saturday Activities after the Breakfast Program children are participating more and more enthusiastically learning from the Word of God and we sowing and cultivating that seed so that it can grow and bear fruit in its time.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers.

Meeting our Staff

by Ezequiel Guzman (Mission Pastor)

Many are the experiences, the success and failure, the joy and sadness, the strength and weakness, for what the Lord has let us go through, but as the prophet Samuel said, we can say Ebenezer, until today God has help us.

Born in Campeche, Mexico in a Christian home, my parents were preaching the Gospel, when I was 12 yo my father told me that I was going to be a Pastor I don’t know why he said that but here I am now. When I was 16 I was baptized and then it born inside me a great desire to preach about Jesus Christ 2 more years went by and when I was 18 the Lord opened a Door so I can study the bible in the bible institute Bethel here in Ensenada B.C. after 4 years studying I was sent to preach to Guasave Sinaloa, were I served the Lord for 2 years, after this I went back to Yucatan to serve as a pastor for 17 years, in 2008 I was asked to become a teacher in the school I studied, so I teach for 6 years during this time I met pastor Mayarino Escobar that Invited me to become mission pastor at Campo de Esperanza I asked for a permit at the seminar for one year so I could work at Campo during the year we serve at Campo we not only had the opportunity to preach and teach the mixteco community but we learn a lot how to serve the people believers and non-believers, this was for me and my family was a real challenge, a year later we went back to the seminar to continue to teach, in 2016 we went back to our state (Campeche) and we stayed 1 year there, during this time I was not preaching or teaching I was only working welding but our heart stayed here in Ensenada, especially in Campo de Esperanza, it was our prayer that the Lord could open the doors here and God answered, Pastor Mayarino called me and asked me what I was doing and I said I was praying so I can go back to Ensenada, then He asked me if I was interested in coming back to Campo, it was a Joy in our hearts because God answered our prayer, we thanks God for the lives of our Pastor Mayarino and Sister Panchita, as well for David now in leadership, La Hermosa and Campo de Esperanza.

Please receive a warm salute from me and my family, we look forward to meet all of you that have Campo de Esperanza in your hearts and Prayers.

Home of Faith

by Laura Baez

Fidelina Gomez, and Gilberto Bautista, Both from Veracruz. 6 children live with them. Juliet, 18. she works. She has a 6th grade education. She chose to leave school to work and help her family. Brayan, 17. He works. He studied through 5th grade, because according to him there wasn’t consistency as far as teachers. some days one would show up, some days another would show up, and some days no one show up. This is a common problem in rural schools. some of the children were born in Sinaloa and some in La Paz, because the family used to moved frequently looking for work. Joselin, 13. 7th grade student. Alondra, 9. 3rd grade José Julián, 7. 2nd grade Marcos, 5 preschool They don’t know many people around them and rarely venture out. “Perhaps we continue to live like this due to our own shyness, because we don’t get out; we just work all the time,” says the mother. The father had an operation not long ago to remove a tumor from his arm. They are field workers, the older children are supporting the household, covering for their father’s lost wages. The mother will have to go back to work soon because they need the money. Years after coming here from Veracruz (in the southeast on the coast), they feel more secure here than in their hometown because it is calmer and there is more work. Together with their children they are working to build a new life, Now they are starting in a New Home T(hank you Blain team!) and Changing their Life, Mr. Gilberto Just Got Baptized on October 1st! you can Join us and be part of this Amazing Ministry.


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